What is File Definition ?
File Definitions are File structures required to construct a bulk upload data file during the data migration. Each File definition can have multiple components and each component will have multiple attributes which hold different values. The file structure can be of different file types depending on the loading mechanism.
The File Defininition Details page contains 3 tabs and 4 options under Menu.
- Overview : Shows the summary of the File Definition.
- Components : Displays the list of components used in the File Definition.
- Cloud Page URL : Option to enter the equivalent Fusion HCM page.
Menu Options
- Copy File Definition : Copy a File definition to same project or different project.
- Replace Tables : Gives an option to replace tables used in the file definition.
- Delete : Delete a File definition
- Download CV040 : Download CV040 for the file definition.

Tab Options
- Overview
Shows the summary of the File Definition, along with the option to edit it.

2. Components
One or more components will be used in a File Definition. There are 2 options under the component menu. The component section is explained in detail on What is a Component page.
- New Component : To create a new component manually.
- New Component : To create a new component from a sample file.
3. Cloud Page URL
The Cloud Page URL gives the option to add links to Fusion pages for components eg: The manage Job Family page.

These links will be displayed as a menu option on the Load to Oracle Cloud page.

Menu Options
- Copy File Definition
Using copy a File definition, you can copy a file definition to the same project or different project. This is explained in detail on the How to copy file definition page.
2. Replace Tables
Using replace tables function the existing tables used in the file definition can be easily replaced.

3. Delete
Use the Delete function to delete a file definition from the Project. Please note this is an irreversible action.
4. Download CV040
Download the automatically generated CV040 for each component in excel format. This explains the source, rules and mappings used to load each attribute in the component.