Many Oracle Cloud users employ a staged approach to roll out the software to various group of users within the organization. While Rollouts are different when compared to a fresh implementation, they come with their own challenges. CloudMigrate and CloudConfig are equipped with features to help clients overcome these challenges.
Why Rollouts?
Staged Implementation
If you are opting for a staged implementation approach to Oracle Fusion Cloud, then CloudMigrate helps save time and efforts by configuring reusable data migration rules to considerably reduce the data migration efforts for subsequent rollouts.
Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and Acquisitions often see new users and their associated infrastructure coming aboard all at once. We can assist by analyzing their legacy system and migrating the data into your existing Oracle Cloud implementation.
Organizational Restructure
Organization restructure is very similar to rollouts except for the fact that the records are existing. CloudMigrate leverages the MERGE feature of HCM Data loader to both update as well as insert records.